ZALLA ZAMANI : In the End, friendship matters.

They wanted a picture, something to remind them of how far they have come, I had the camera but lacked the skills.
I did not want to disappoint them, I wanted to be part of their memories so I asked them to pose and they where happy to pose. There came a kid from the streets who ran towards them, with seriousness they both shouted “Zamu bata ma rai in Ka lallata mana hoto” They wanted only two of them to be in this particular picture.
One sold oranges and the other pushed wheelbarrows for a living, while taking the shots I wondered how they became friends, why they wanted a picture and how close they where.
They are or became friends because they all had one thing in common, the struggle on the streets just to survive. Now they are more like brothers left me thinking ” how many of my friends will look out for me like this?” I have a thousand of friends but it does not even make sense to me.
We spend more time just being hypocrites, slandering each other, kiss a**ing and all but in real sense we are pulling triggers. We send more time strategizing our downfalls rather than building up empires together.
The world best people did not make it alone, they always had confidents and people they could look back too and draw strength from. Our generation is messed up, we leave and crave a fake life that will only lead us to Ruin, I am not perfect but show me who is better?
We will rather want to have so many people look at us and talk about us meanwhile deep down we crave something so deep that we dot have, but pride and Ego won’t let us have it.
I will rather have one person who will think about me every second of their life in remembrance when am gone, than have 1000 say “Eyah” and forget about me that moment.
To those I have helped I will say I am glad I helped you,
To those I could not help am sorry it was not intentional,
To those who need my help don’t be afraid to ask for it..
